Humaniq for Good Platform demonstrates the power of Blockchain: a Sierra Leone charity raises 200% over its initial goal

Andrey Shevchenko
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2018


On November 27, Humaniq joined the #GivingTuesday, a one-day annual movement focused on charitable giving, and launched a fundraising campaign for the B-Gifted Foundation in Sierra Leone. The goal was to collect $1,500 in donations to distribute teddy bears and other toys to kids who were left orphaned by the Ebola outbreak, and we absolutely smashed that objective! Within 6 days we reached the full $1,500, and after 4 more days of the campaign’s run, we collected over $3,200.

How was Humaniq involved?

The B-Gifted Foundation, a charity operating in Sierra Leone for more than 8 years, became the first non-profit partner for the Humaniq For Good platform initiative.

Africa is the largest recipient of aid in the world, both from private and governmental aid organizations. Most of the time, organizations in the developed world cooperate with local NPOs, a process that is mired with difficulties and inefficiencies. Sending money across borders is an often complicated procedure, especially so for countries that lack a developed banking infrastructure, as is the case with most of Sub-Saharan Africa. Humaniq stepped in to ease this process, lowering fees and providing new options for receiving donations.

Our pilot with the B-Gifted Foundation involved launching a crowdfunding campaign that would allow both crypto and traditional payment methods. For this pilot, Humaniq and the B-Gifted Foundation team selected the Teddy Bears for Smiles Project, a yearly initiative that hands out teddy bears and other toys to orphaned children around various communities in Sierra Leone. Children all over the world love toys, but they are even more meaningful for the children living in tough conditions in developing countries. They bring joy and hope, and deliver a powerful message from the rest of the world — you are not alone!

Crypto Donations Help the Kroo Bay Community Orphans

This is the first time that the B-Gifted Foundation received donations in cryptocurrency, which made up as much as 43% of the entire pool of funds.

Utilizing the versatility and transparency of Humaniq’s blockchain platform, the funds were successfully transferred and converted into Sierra Leone Leone (SLL), the national currency of Sierra Leone. The B-Gifted Foundation’s volunteers purchased and distributed the toys and school kits to the first group of children, victims of the devastating Ebola epidemic, at the Kroo Bay Community in Freetown, nation’s capital.

Below are the inspiring photos of the kids receiving their gifts:

